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Outreach Case Worker
support for wigan arrivals project

Job Description

SWAP is a charity providing support to asylum seekers and refugees living in the Wigan Borough.  We deliver a number of key services that include English classes, a Women’s Group and a case work service.  This post has 4 key functions:

1. Provide 1:1 advocacy and case work support to asylum seekers and refugees. 

2. By adopting an Outreach Model, make contact with people currently not accessing services, especially those living in outlying neighbourhoods.

3. Keep up to date on emerging needs and re-prioritise tasks accordingly.

4. Work in partnership with specialist support agencies to ensure asylum seekers and refugees receive services that address their needs.

The issues affecting asylum seekers and refugees are constantly evolving, and will require the worker to be adaptable, flexible and responsive.  For example, refugees are currently experiencing exceptionally high levels of homelessness, so this will be a current priority.  However, if homelessness reduces then project resources will be targeted elsewhere.  The post will operate from SWAP.s main base in Wigan, our Leigh Hub and community venues as directed by the needs of asylum seekers and refugees, including venues run by partner agencies.  The post is currently funded for two years.

Key duties and responsibilities

· Provide 1:1 case work support to asylum seekers and refugees living in the Wigan borough.

· Provide information to asylum seekers and refugees on issues affecting them (e.g. the asylum system, housing, asylum support, benefits, health and social care, education, employment and volunteering)

· Make contact with service users currently not engaging with support services, including those who face barriers to participation and those living in outlying neighbourhoods

· Help service users understand the options available to them and help them make informed decisions (e.g. Voluntary Returns, family re-union, working under the Skills Shortage List).

· To assess clients’ needs and devise appropriate support pathways

· Develop relationships with partner agencies and establish referral pathways (e.g. The Resettlement Team, Serco, The Brick)

· To kept abreast of current and emerging asylum and immigration policy

· Train, mentor and support volunteer

· To refer clients to other SWAP services and activities

· To assist in the delivery of training, educational and awareness raising programmes to local groups and organisations (e.g. schools, community groups, faith groups)


· To encourage clients to become independent and to contribute to society

· To ensure client confidentiality and treat clients in a respectful and dignified manner

· To work in a way that promotes equality of opportunity and encourages community cohesion